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Join our next Retreat

Anchor 2

Breath, Body & Brain

Join Australia's First Ever Trauma-Informed Retreat

right here on Minjerribah | Stradbroke Island

The Yoga & Psychology


 7th - 11th September 2023


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A 4-day Transformative Experience of

Intimacy, Vulnerability, Safety and Connection. 


Learn body-based strategies for:

Self Regulation

Emotional & Sensory Literacy & Communication

Somatic Experiencing for Deep Presence & Self-Association

Building the muscles of Mental Focus and Concentration


See Yourself Transformed with Kindness.

Meet Your Facilitators


Alexis Dennehy

One Natural Therapies

Alexis is Director and Principal Practitioner of One Natural Therapies and founder of The International Alliance of Trauma Informed Practitioners.  She holds a Masters of Public Health from The University of Queensland and draws strongly from Embodied Psychotherapy, Naturopathy, Iyenager Yoga Therapeutics, Western Herbal Medicine and Myofascial Dry needling / Trigger Point Release .   

Inspired by several years experience of Vipassana Meditation 10-day silent retreats, Alexis has run retreats to Minjeribah | North Stradbroke Island for over 10 years.  With a strong spiritual connection to the island, Alexis continues to seek guidance from the local Indigenous Elders in maintaining cultural- and historical-sensitivity.

Alexis facilitates Insight (Vipassana) Meditation, Somatic Yoga, Embodied Non-Violent Communication and Yoga Philosophy, as influenced by her teachers SN Goenka and BKS Iyengar. 

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Rachel Hannam

Rachel is a Registered Psychologist, Mediator and Clinical Director of North Brisbane Psychologists.  She draws upon attachment theory, neuro-psychotherapy, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), compassion focussed therapy (CFT), positive psychology, schema therapy, internal family systems (IFS), emotion-focussed couples therapy (EFCT), The Gottman Method.  Rachel holds a PhD in the area of Professional Burnout and a special interest in Non-Violent Communication.  

Inspired by many years experience of Non-Violent Communication retreats, Rachel joined the Stradbroke island Retreat in 2021. 

Rachel facilitates Non-Violent Communication as influenced by her teachers Marshall Rosenberg and Robert Gonzales. 

Beginners Retreat Participant

"The content was informative, well integrated and relevant.

 The facilitation was fantastic.

The focus on going inward and being present lent itself really well to the psychology content.  

The environment was refreshing and calm... I loved having such a large space to share. The practical aspects really lit me up.


I feel I got exactly what I needed".


From our most Recent Retreat

"The facilitators worked so well as a team...

I felt at ease immediately.

There was plenty of time for reflection, consolidation and integration.

I felt very spoilt / well cared-for in such a beautiful venue.

I loved coming together for meals...the fireside chat... and the deep relaxation under the tree.  

Thank you all for an amazing weekend...Life changing"

Recent Participant

"The facilitation exceeded my expectations...such a nice mix of skills from the practitioners. 

The personal touches helped to feel supported, as did being guided through to the very end.

I most enjoyed the breathing exercises and the hands-on touch with the yoga.

I was impressed with the meals....the beautiful setting...


It certainly met my intention. I've learned new skills and developed a deeper understanding"

Retreat Schedule

Daily Schedule

5am Vipassana Meditation - Using breath for self-companioning and self-regulation

6am Beach walk - Beauty & Presence

7am Breakfast 

8am Group Workshop - Connecting with our deeper longings

10am Morning tea

10:30am Group Practice - Applied sensory awareness. Bodily call & response. 

12noon Nourishing Lunch

1pm Restorative Practice - Integrating our longings and dreams

3pm Unscheduled time

5pm Sunset Flow - Embodying ease in contrast to disease

6:30pm Slow dinner

7:30pm Fire-side reflections & starry-night sounds

*Retreat schedule is open to adjustment according to the needs of the group.  

Retreat FAQ's

I'm not a very healthy person.  Will everyone there be an Instagram model?

Right. Let's get this clear from the beginning.  Retreat is the exact opposite of social-media modelling.  While we appreciate influencers who have made yoga more accessible to everyone (Kudos to you, Adrienne) our retreats have been described as "the real thing", "down-to-earth" and "humanised". Trackies/ PJs, thongs / uggs are all encouraged.  Because here, less really is more.

I'm not a very flexible person.  Will you expect me to twist into a pretzel?


Yoga was never meant to be an extreme sport.  Yoga is truly for everyone.  It is in fact one of the few exercise regimes that can be practiced lifelong, even during pregnancy or old age.  Another beautiful thing about yoga is that it's adaptable to disability, sickness or injury.  Ask Alexis for "anytime postures" to get the most out of your practice. 


I'm not a morning person. Is the early start optional?


Early rising is a traditional practice on retreat and an expectation of all Retreat Participants. Yogi's over the centuries have discovered the best (and sometimes only) time to dedicate to reflection is early morning while the rest of the world sleeps.  Retreat is your chance to try this routine. 

I've seen the word "Retreat" around a lot lately. How do I know the difference between the real deal and just another money-making machine?

Great question!  The word retreat has it's origins in contemplative practice.  If the "retreat" you see advertised offers little, if any deliberate reflective practice, then chances are it is really a "resort" (read here 10 Ways to know the difference between Retreat & Resort).   

Who do I speak with about dietary needs?

Alexis will send out a short questionnaire, including dietary needs, in the weeks leading up to retreat.  

Meals are prepared free from gluten, refined sugar, animal products including dairy but please let us know if you have requirement outside of this.  We offer herbal and black tea, but no alcohol or coffee. 

Each cabin has its own kitchenette, so, aside from alcohol, you are welcome to bring any personal extras.

Are there any rules on retreat?

Yes. We ask that you keep five precepts for the weekend:

1. No alcohol, cigarettes or recreational drugs.

2. No lying.

3. No stealing.

4. No sexual misconduct (ie sex or the intention for sexual relations outside of partnership)

5. No killing (including vegetarian eating for the weekend) 

This means:

1. Yes to clean eating, fresh water and ocean air.

2. Yes to taking a good hard look at yourself through soft, loving eyes.

3. Yes to generosity, gratitude and abundance. 

4. Yes to clear boundaries, safety and trust within the group.

5. Yes to kindness, gentleness and respect for all living things. 

*In contrast to coercion/punishment-based rules, the five precepts are an exercise in self-reflection.  We invite you to choose consciously and avoid disturbing other retreat attendees.  Cabins are smoke-free zones but otherwise a place for your total privacy.

What does our accommodation look like? Will I be sharing with someone from the group?

Each self contained cabin contains a queen bed, single and pull-out trundle bed, newly renovated ensuite and kitchenette, table/desk space and outdoor courtyard. Photos in the slide gallery above are all taken on location. 

The property itself is absolute waterfront with a much-loved grassy area and jetty, large shady fig tree, commercial-kitchen and marquee-style long table with weather protection. 

Workshops take place in a weather-proof timber-floored building. Movement is facilitated on the grassy waterfront early morning and sunset. 

I'm not keen on too much sun.  Will we be outdoors a lot?

The Yoga and Psychology Retreat is a sun-safe event. All workshops and meals take place under full cover.  Outdoor events take place during the early morning and sunset.

Can I claim my retreat fee as a deduction or rebate?

Indeed you can.   Ask us for an invoice when you book in for claiming on private health, NDIS, professional development or tax purposes. 

Can I count time on retreat toward continuing professional development?

Yes, health, law and education professionals will be able to log these hours toward their CPD requirements.  

How did your retreats come about?

Our own experiences of retreats have inspired us to run our own. 

Our first retreat was held in 2014, with 14 yoga students. Since then, we've held 4-day Corporate Retreats, Mother-Daughter Retreats and included various guest speakers from Indigenous story-tellers to Artists and Musicians.

Rachel and Alexis have enjoyed early morning exercise on the banks of the Maiwar River since the lifting of COVID restrictions in 2020. In this time, they have discovered their shared love of contemplative practice and alongside their friendship, the business partnership has blossomed.

What's new about the 2023 Retreats?

Partnering across disciplines and using the common framework of Marshall Rosenberg's Non Violent Communication, our combined mission is to capture our shared experience as a sustainable offering of resources for trauma-affected individuals and families.

It is our hope that these resources will reduce burnout amongst professionals working with trauma-affected individuals and families through providing support materials, and a replicable template for hosting retreats in their own communities. 

Download your copy of The Yoga & Psychology Retreat Induction Pack here

Remember, places are strictly limited to a 'first come, first served' basis. As  accommodation is strictly limited, we cannot take any further bookings once the quota is reached. 

Retreat Location

Amity Point, North Stradbroke Island

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Graceville Medical 

Level 1, 6/296 Oxley Rd, Graceville

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work.  The Turrbal and Yuggara people of Maiwar, The Quandamooka people of Minjerribah, the Bunjalung people to the south, Waka Waka and Gubi Gubi to the north, Burrangum to the west, and particularly to the Gammilray people who have shared deep knowledge and lore.  We acknowledge sovereignty has not yet been ceded and we stand with you in reconciliation. 

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